FuelBot Touch
· Controls electronic/digital PMC, Bennett, Gilbarco, Tokheim,
Wayne including blenders)
· Systems connect directly to pump data wires.
· Controls any Mechanical or pulse-output pumps
· 2-tier cash-credit pricing for self and full serve modes of operation
· Simple operator interface means quick training
· “Pump Select” keys allow quick navigation to complete console tasks
· On screen Pump status for every fueling point
· Self-Service Full-Service Post-pay, Preset, and Prepaid sales
· Online system programming and troubleshooting
· Multilane Capability
· EMV Pay At The Pump via CardBOSS
The FuelBOSS controller is the latest countertop controller now providing touch-screen operation and internet connectivity. Also usable in stand-alone mode (without internet connection) station setup and other adjustments can be made from the screen or via a locally connected computer. This provides maximum simplicity and consistency.
The FuelBOSS Controller is configured to control both mechanical and electronic pumps made with legacy (non-EMV) credit card terminals.
When connected to the internet, Download accumulating, resettable totals, as well as individual transactions through the internet.
Connects to the internet via local/site Ethernet.
Receive send daily reports and individual sales via email. Emails configurable to any number of receivers: drivers, accounting, management, etc… Choose who receives transactions and/or reports.
Remote updates allow techs to make cc network and system changes.
Pricing and availability determined by site or location parameters.